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Sow Good Seeds Reap a Bountiful Harvest

Scriptures state that in 2 Timothy 3: 1-5, states that in the last days there will be difficult times, and goes on to explain the depravity of human beings. Today we are bombarded daily with reports of increasing crimes rates, murder, terrorist attacks, suicide, lack of compassion and love. We see man exhibiting anger, rage, hate, pride, lawlessness, children rebelling against parents, and the list goes on.

An evil predisposition does not develop overnight, there is a process, just as a seed was planted, it was unseen while it rooted; we see the trunk, then branches, and later see the fruit. This tree will bear only what was planted. The same is true of what was planted in the womb or in early childhood; the same fruit would be borne. A child coming from a loving home where God is priority, would feels loved, safe, secure, and valued. He knows that he is accepted, because he is affirmed, and does not have to perform to be loved. This child has a great chance of growing up bearing good fruit; he knows who he is, because the people who are important in his life see him as someone very significant. This child should be a secure adult with good self-worth; seeing God through the eyes of his parents, especially his earthly father, who has given him a great representation of who his heavenly Father is.

The youth today are the leaders of tomorrow, we need to plant good seeds now that can send roots deep down. We need to let them know who they are, for if you destroy their self worth with words that wound them, they would grow up believing the labels they were given. Let home be a safe place, where parents constantly affirm and tell their children how special they are, reminding them they are loved, that God sees them as beautiful, and His love for them is unconditional. To omit good parental nurturing would result in our children having a love deficit, an empty treasure chest, and someone else would be only to ready to fill with counterfeit love. To know true love is to know the God of love. May we all know be recipients of that love?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16).

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